Coronavirus Information

We are looking forward to re-opening our parks on Saturday 4th July!

The health and safety of our guests and staff is our number one priority, therefore it will be a ‘new normal’ with social distancing and safety measures in place.

We will continually review the following guidelines in line with government advice. Thank you very much for your support at


We ask that you take the time to read the following guidelines and act responsibly while on-site and in the surrounding area. It is important to respect our local communities.

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, you must not travel to us.

Social Distancing
Please adhere to social distancing guidelines – where possible keep 2 metres away from others. We advise all guests to carry hand sanitiser and wear face coverings in any indoor areas.

No Group Gatherings
Large gatherings are not allowed anywhere on the park. Please adhere to the current government advice about socialising.

Queuing Systems
We have a queuing system in place around at Reception and ask that you remain outside. Please read any signage in order to help keep yourself and others safe.

Toilet Blocks
Our toilets and showers will be open, however, we encourage you to use your on-board facilities where possible. We have more regular cleaning procedures in place and appropriate PPE for our staff. The washrooms will be sanitised as regularly as possible, but please note we cannot clean facilities after every person. We encourage you to wipe down touch points before and after use, such as cubicle doors, locks, toilet flushes etc. We cannot constantly monitor and control the number of people using the facilities; if it is busy, please come back at a quieter time. Where possible, please use every other cubicle and sink to help with social distancing.

Hand Hygiene
Please wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds. There are also hand sanitiser stations at certain locations around the park.

Please pay your full holiday balance before arrival, either online or by calling 01598 753349 you will still need to come to Reception on arrival for your allocated pitch or hire caravan keys – there is a queuing system in place.

We would prefer you to call us on 01598 753349 or email with any queries. Please only visit Reception in person where necessary.

Touring & Camping Pitches
We have limited the number of people staying at the park to help with social distancing protocols. Please ensure that your tent or other accommodation is in the centre of your allocated space to comply with social distancing measures.

Caravan Hire
Check-in is now at 4 pm due to our additional cleaning measures, including decontamination fogging, during the coronavirus pandemic.

Please bring your own bed linen! Due to new COVID-19 measures, we are now asking guests to bring their own duvet covers and bedsheets. The duvets, mattress protectors, pillows and pillow protectors will be provided.
Sizing: A standard double duvet cover & bed sheet is suitable for our double rooms. 2 x standard single duvet covers & bed sheets are suitable for our twin rooms.   

You also need to pack your own towels, tea towels, soap and washing up liquid. You may need extra toilet roll and bin liners – you can pick up any essentials from our on-site shops.

Coronavirus Symptoms
If you develop COVID-19 symptoms while staying with us, please immediately call 01598 753349 (day time 8 am – 8 pm) or 07525 269278. Do not leave your pitch/accommodation and wait for further instructions.



Lynmouth Holiday Retreat has limited general supplies – open daily.

Freezer Blocks

Unfortunately, due to the current situation, we are unable to offer a freezer block facility.

Launderettes & Dish Washing Areas

Open as usual, with increased cleaning measures in place. We encourage you to wipe down touch points before and after use, such as washing machine handles, taps etc. Where possible, please use every other sink to help with social distancing.

Dog Walking Area

For those taking the dog for a walk, please follow the one-way system around the field.

On Departure

When vacating our caravans and pods please leave windows and doors open, allowing for ventilation prior to our staff entering to clean. Wherever possible please take rubbish away with you or deposit in the bins.

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