Notter Bridge Holiday Park Environmental Policy

We are dedicated to achieving high standards of socially and environmentally sustainable business practices.

At Notter Bridge Holiday Park we are constantly looking for ideas to improve our methodology in keeping with “the green way”. We are committed to raising awareness of environmental issues with our staff, holiday lodge & caravan owners and indeed all visitors to the holiday park.

We very much want to provide a holiday experience of high quality whilst supporting our local community and preserving our beautiful riverside and woodland surroundings for the prosperity and enjoyment of what we do both now and for our future generations.

What we do

We pro-actively participate in good Environmental practices to include:

·        use low energy bulbs

·        have LED bulbs (all new installations)

·        Use park lights on sensors

·        Use of thermostatically controlled heating

·        Service boilers and defrost refrigerators

·        Light sensors installed in the Laundry Room

·        Use of water by guests is controlled through a variety of initiatives for example, small shower heads, dual flush in toilet cisterns. Water is heated through eco instantaneous Boilers (no stored water). 

·        Check water taps and pipes as part of the work day schedule for leaks.

·        Encourage all our holiday home owners to have rain water butts for watering their plants.

·        Encourage holiday home owners to plant bee friendly native plants.

Landscape and Environment

Notter Bridge Holiday Park is set in a beautiful woodland and riverside setting. There is an abundance of flora, fauna and wildlife on our doorstep and we do everything we can to respect, maintain and improve this beautiful environment.

·        We work hard to protect native species and nurture our trees and flowers. Following on from a visits from an ecologist and bee expert; we have an environmental planting plan for the park which prolongs the life span of existing plants and trees, encourages the growth of new species and ensures that trees that are damaged or dying are replaced.

·        We provide bird boxes, bat boxes, bat friendly lighting, small hand-built homes for insects, bee hotels and a bug hotel.

To encourage guests to take an interest in the natural environment in and around Notter Bridge Holiday Park we have produced small plaques which provide information about the wildlife and fish. 

We are proud to have been awarded the David Bellamy conservation award. 


Waste management is monitored on park and we regularly review the ways that we can minimise waste by evaluating our practices and ensure that they are fit for purpose.

·        We have two recycling areas on site for glass and mixed recyclables.

·        In addition to the recycling posters we have further information in the laundry room and regularly remind owners in their newsletters.

·        Wherever possible environmentally friendly products are used.

·        There is a lending library in the laundry room when everyone can swap their books for free instead of throwing them away or buying new ones. This reduces the amount of book and paper produced.

·        The waste management company we use to remove all waste is committed to sustainability and bio-diversity (


Notter Bridge Holiday Park is situated on the main bus route on the A38 which provides links to all the Cornwall and Devon have to offer. Equally the train station in Saltash provides the same excellent links throughout both counties and beyond. We actively promote walking, cycling and public transport to reduce the impact of transport operations on the environment.

What you can do

We ask all our guests to try and help our environment, below are just some websites that could be of interest:

·        Find out more about recycling at Recycle Now


